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Published in openDemocracy, 2020
Recommended citation: Galen Hall, Tom Nicholas, Colleen Schmidt, "The faulty science, doomism, and flawed conclusions of Deep Adaptation." openDemocracy, 2020.
Published in Nature Climate Change, 2021
Recommended citation: Dooley, K., Holz, C., Kartha, S., Klinsky, S., Roberts, J. T., Shue, H., Winkler, H., Athanasiou, T., Caney, S., Cripps, E., Dubash, N. K., Hall, G., Harris, P. G., Lahn, B., Moellendorf, D., Müller, B., Sagar, A., & Singer, P. (2021). Ethical choices behind quantifications of fair contributions under the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change, 11(4), 300-305.
Published in Climatic Change, 2021
Recommended citation: Brulle, R. J., Hall, G., Loy, L., & Schell-Smith, K. (2021). Obstructing action: foundation funding and US climate change counter-movement organizations. Climatic Change, 166(1-2), 17.
Published in Energy Research & Social Science, 2021
Recommended citation: Culhane, T., Hall, G., & Roberts, J. T. (2021). Who delays climate action? Interest groups and coalitions in state legislative struggles in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 79, 102114.
Published in Climatic Change, 2022
Recommended citation: Basseches, J. A., Bromley-Trujillo, R., Boykoff, M. T., Culhane, T., Hall, G., Healy, N., Hess, D. J., & Stephens, J. C. (2022). Climate policy conflict in the US states: a critical review and way forward. Climatic Change, 170(3), 32.
Published in State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 2024
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Recommended citation: Hall, G., Basseches, J. A., Bromley-Trujillo, R., & Culhane, T. (2024). CHORUS: A New Dataset of State Interest Group Policy Positions in the United States. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 1-26.
Published in Energy Research & Social Science, 2024
Recommended citation: Hall, G., Culhane, T., & Roberts, J. T. (2024). Climate coalitions and anti-coalitions: Lobbying across state legislatures in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science, 113, 103562.
Published in Environmental Research Communications, 2024
Recommended citation: Hall, G., Loy, L., Brulle, R. J., Schell-Smith, K., Hu, M. M., & Trollback, S. (2024). Where ideology meets private interest: the three-part composition of climate obstruction in the United States. Environmental Research Communications, 6(8), 081003.
Paper presentation at the State Politics and Policy Quarterly Conference examining patterns and variations in interest group preferences across different states.
Paper presentation at the Consortium for American Political Economy Conference discussing research on interest group preferences across American states.
Presentation at the Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop Series discussing new data and insights on lobbying patterns in the United States.
Paper presentation at the Southern Political Science Association Conference analyzing the relationship between interest group coalitions and political parties at the state level.
Paper presentation at the American Sociology Association Conference examining coalition formation and opposition in state-level climate policy lobbying.